Saturday, March 8, 2008

A Cup of Sugar...

When I was a child of five, new people moved in acr0ss the street. I went out to play that morning, and there was another girl sitting in the gravel driveway, holding a cup and a spoon. She was digging dirt and putting it in the cup. I asked what she was doing. "Making a pie," she said, and began digging again. I said, "You're not going to eat it, are you?" "Well, she replied, "Mum said we will eat a peck of dirt before we die, so I'm going to get it over with." With that, she dumped the cup into a pile and started to fill it again, repeating the following measurements: "one cuppa sugar, one cuppa sh-t, one cuppa sugar, one cuppa sh-t." That was how I met my life-long friend Tillie, with whom I've never since swapped recipies, and whose husband did all the cooking for her after they were married.

1 comment:

Clay said...

I knew that Hank did all the cooking, but I never knew why! CJJ