My first pet was Snookums--a short-haired multi-colored cat, of the kind often called a money-cat. She was white, black, orange and brown, in no discernible pattern. I was just old enough to be assigned her care and feeding, which wasn't difficult as she ate only table scraps and any mice foolish enough to try to take up habitation in the house. I was very fond of her, and she slept in my bed with me or curled up in my lap while I was reading. I felt she was my responsibility.
One Sunday morning, as I was getting dressed for church, Snooks persisted in lying on the clothes I laid out, and pacing around the bed. As I lifted her down to the floor, I noticed her stomach felt distended.
"Oh, oh," I thought, "she's constipated." I rushed downstairs, got the castor oil, and poured a tablespoonful down her throat (not without difficulty and a scratch or two). When I left for church, Snooks was comfortably curled up in the rocking chair, snoozing, so I didn't even bother to put her outside.
On our return, Mom began getting our usual Sunday lunch together (left-over Saturday beans and potato salad ). As hungry as I was, my first thought was Snookums, so I rushed upstairs to check on her. She was nowhere in sight.
Then I noticed a strange lump uder the covers of my bed. I pulled them back, and there she was, nursing three newborn baby kittens!!
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