Monday, March 3, 2008

School Recess

When I was a little over four years old, my mother decided I was old enough to go to school. She was a teacher, and had already taught me to read and write. This was a small town in Maine during the depression years. In those times, you could enroll in school as soon as your parents decided you were ready. So she sent me off to school on the first day. All went well until recess time. We were ushered outdoors. I took this to mean school was over, so I legged it for home! Needless to say, that was the one and only time I got away with it.


Anonymous said...

What did Mom say when you got home early. CDJ

Anonymous said...

Yahoo, that looks great! Glad it finally worked for you. Do you want me to get rid of the post I left?
Have you found any of the other blogs you set up?

Anonymous said...

I love the blog you set up. How fun!! Looking forward to more enties. Keep them comming. AED

Anonymous said...

We can't wait to read more! Love you..KLJ,NAJ, & CSJ

Anonymous said...

Way to go, Grandma! We're going to have to set you up with a computer in your room when you're here so you can keep the entries coming. Thanks for telling your stories. Love, Erica

Unknown said...

Great blog grandma!! I look forward to reading all kinds of stuff from you!! I read the one about you going to school to Sammy and he looked could of been the colors on the screen too...but I like to think it was your story.
luv AK